Register for a new account

Accounts are opened for one calendar year and are renewable each year on request.

Today, access to the cluster is not charged for academics. The platform reserves the right to review its billing policy. In this case, users would naturally be notified before its application and would be subject to a prior quotation.

The use of BiRD IT resources is conditioned by the acceptance of the charter.
When you use the core facility resources, please don't forget to thank BiRD in your publications and communications, in the following way: 
"We are most grateful to the Bioinformatics Core Facility of Nantes BiRD, member of Biogenouest, Institut Français de Bioinformatique (IFB) (ANR-11-INBS-0013) for the use of its resources and for its technical support".

Please, complete this form to register :

Do you belong to a private company ? (*)

I agree with the terms of use of BiRD facility (*)
I agree to receive our newsletter (*)

I agree to receive the satisfaction survey (*)

enter the word in the caption

The information collected from this form is being processed by the BiRD platform of Nantes University. The only purpose of the personal information collected is to manage the database of accounts for access to the cluster, and our communication actions (newsletter and satisfaction survey). The data collected is only intended for Nantes University's own use and will be kept for the duration of your account on the cluster.
In accordance with the French law "informatique et libertés" of January 6, 1978, as amended, you have the right to access, rectify and delete your personal data. You may access information concerning you or object to the processing of your data by contacting (copy at or by sending a letter to the attention of Nantes Université - Direction de la communication, service web - 1, quai de Tourville BP 13522 - 44035 Nantes Cedex 1, specifying the purpose of your request and providing proof of your identity (a copy of your identity card should be attached to your request).

Mis à jour le 30 March 2021.