Partners and Funding

Genomic Core Facility

BiRD works closely, on the bioanalysis part, with the Nantes Genomics core facility, which manages High Throughput sequencing and genotyping projects.
Together, the two core facilities compose the GenoBiRD infrastructure.


BiRD is working to merge its infrastructures to the Centre de Calcul Intensif des Pays de la Loire (CCIPL) in order to better adress the computing needs of scientists by pooling equipments and skills of the two structures.


BiRD is part of the Biogenouest interregional network of technology platforms in life sciences and the environment. It works in close collaboration with the other bioinformatics core facilities in the West (Genouest and ABiMS). Together we organize once a year a thematic day on bioinformatics topics.
These 3 facilities are labelled together by IBISA.

Institut Français de Bioinformatique

BiRD is part of the IFB research infrastructure. These core facilities are involved in projects to provide physical and software resources for the biologists and bioinformaticians community (federation of Clouds, Cluster, workflows, Galaxy...)

Pays de la Loire Région

The BiRD platform is strongly funded by the Pays de la Loire Region. It also receives support from the European funding FEDER.
Mis à jour le 03 April 2020.