CLOUD Infrastructure

BiRD owns a OpenStack CLOUD infrastructure with 160 compute cores and 50 TB of storage.
This infrastructure could be used in different cases.

Biosphere Project

BiRD participates to the IFB's Biosphere project, which aims to propose a federation of CLOUDs on a national scale. This infrastructure offers a catalog of virtual machines , developed according to the expertise of the IFB platforms, accessible through a single portal with federated authentication (EduGAIN, Nuvla).

Applications Hosting

  • Shiny Apps :
    • Mibiomics
    • FADA : FaDA is volontarly a simple tool to allow a first glance of your data, highlighting significative differences, significant associations/correlations or identifiying potential outliers. Different type of data can be used such as gene expression or cytometry measures.
    • CytoFlower
  • HLA : EasyMatch-R is a tool designed to find unrelated donors in silico.


The CLOUD architecture is particularly suitable for deploying on-demand services:
  • Machines to test IT infrastructure deployment.
  • Research prototypes : INEX-MED
  • Jenkins instance for the development of our pipelines
  • Jupyter Hub
  • Development of an intuitive interface for processing very large microscopy images in histology and making them available to users through a virtual machine, in collaboration with the MicroPicell imaging platform.
Mis à jour le 22 November 2019.