Data Analysis

BiRD provides support for data analysis from:
  • High throughput sequencing technology (genome resequencing, exome, RNAseq, 3'SRP, microbiota)

A complete service is offered, in association with the Genomics core facility, to carry out projects from the bench to data analysis.


  • Whole genomes
  • Exomes
  • High throughput sequencing on MiSeq or NovaSeq Illumina
  • Data analysis until genetic variants calling
  • Genotyping
  • High throughput Affymetrix Axiom arrays (GeneTitan Station)
  • Primary data analysis
  • Transcriptomics
  • RNA Sequencing (NGS), 3'Sequencing RNA Profiling (NGS)
  • Primary data analysis (QC, alignment, sample clustering, expression matrix)

A pipeline for 16S microbiote data analysis is now available on our GitLab. The sequencing of the microbiota is currently being developed on the genomics core facility and may soon be offered as a full service.
All projects are managed with an ISO quality approach. A project starts with a meeting between the project investigator and the core facility members to assess project feasibility.

When a project is supported, the core facility is engaged to perform the primary analyses. We provide the resulting documents (raw data, standardized data, hierarchical classification, differential gene search, fastq files, bam files, vcf files...) as well as an HTML report aimed at better exploring analysis results.

The cost of the analysis service is tailored to each project. An estimate can be requested by email.

Additional analysis and support is possible on request.

For any project request, please send an email to

Mis à jour le 03 December 2021.