
BiRD provides a cluster IT infrastructure associated with storage. This computing resource is enhanced by many bioinformatics tools, more particularly dedicated to NGS data analysis.

This computing cluster is composed of:

  • 14 dual-processor Intel Xeon nodes (832 threads total)
  • 3.8 TB RAM
  • associated with ~400 TB of BeeGFS storage and ~600 TB of secured CEPH storage.

This equipment is located in the datacenter of the University of Nantes.

Request an account

 Data storage policy on BiRD

Different personal storage spaces, described on BiRD-cluster portal, are available for different purposes (working dir, data...).

You can have a project space "shares" (which can be shared with collaborators). Quotas on shares are sized on request and invoiced on an annual fee basis.

Request a project space


  •     with command line, on the frontal server of the computing cluster (SSH protocol):

ssh -X

Jobs must be submitted through the SGE scheduler.
A portal contains the necessary information to access the cluster and know the tools and resources installed:

For further information, please contact

Mis à jour le 30 March 2021.