About us

BiRD is member of the Federative Research Structure François Bonamy, (SFR Santé) which federates Nantes' biology/health research laboratories.
It coordinates the Nantes technology facilities, oversees the acquisition of scientific equipment and represents Nantes' scientific community in the field of biology/health in the various local and regional bodies.

BiRD core facility leans on the research teams in human genetics and genomics at the institut du thorax. One of the scientific aims of these teams is to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of cardiovascular pathologies (sudden death, arrhythmias, valvulopathies, cerebral aneurysms, etc.). The analysis strategies used are based on high-throughput genomic screening technologies coupled with the development of new dedicated bioinformatics tools, with the aim of identifying new risk markers in these pathologies.

BiRD works also with the Combi team of the LS2N (Laboratoire des Sciences Numériques Nantes), whose main research themes focus on comparative genomics and systems biology. The main research axes developed in this team are :
  • From genome to graph comparison
  • From biological process modeling to community modeling
  • Linking modeling scales to extract biomarkers
  • Bioinformatics developments
BiRD is part of the IFB national research infrastructure and of the Biogenouest interregional network of technology platforms in life sciences

Steering Committee

Composition of the Steering Committee :
  • Audrey Bihouée (BiRD facility)
  • Jérémie Bourdon (LS2N)
  • Yann Capdeville (CCIPL)
  • Samuel Chaffron (LS2N)
  • Damien Eveillard (LS2N)
  • Alban Gaignard (l'institut du thorax)
  • Perrine Paul-Gilloteaux (Micropicell facility)
  • Richard Redon (l'institut du thorax)
Mis à jour le 03 April 2020.